Overall Wellness: Dream Big, Dream Bold. Dream Smart.

In my little schpeel on my blog, I say I am a dreamer. And while I have always had my feet firmly on the ground and kept a realistic view of myself and my world, it has never stopped me from dreaming and dreaming big. When I was younger, that dream was to be a world champion gymnast. I never was that, not even close. The most gymnastics I did was tumbling classes and making everything a beam.

When I decided to take the step to create this blog, I decided to just push through the insecurity and develop this blog. I have been blogging for about 3 years with my private, personal blog and always wanted to create a more professional blog to share my passion. I decided to take the leap and to follow my dream of sharing my passion of wellness with the internets (yes, I call the internet “the internets”…I also refer to google as “the google machine”…I think I’m hilariously funny. Most people think I’m mostly an idiot).

Anyway, there is a point to this post..



This morning I found a post from Fitness and Wellness News about a few tips about following your dreams. 

1.) Make some concrete goals and decisions in regards to your dream.

2.) Be prepared to get some tough love and criticism. Make sure to remember your goals and your dream.

3.) Set yourself up to be successful. Set those awesome SMART goals. Be prepared for some setbacks and know how to deal with them.  Know who you are and use it to your advantage. Make sure to keep yourself in check and be realistic. Let people know what you are doing and why you are doing it.

4.) Finally, take pride and joy in those accomplishments. I can’t tell you how much I was jumping off the wall when I had 10 followers on this blog. Find joy in your accomplishments and hard work.

There are TONS of different tips and tricks of how to follow your  dreams. This was just an article that resonated with me and that I wanted to share.

I wanted to share with you one of my dreams (beyond being a gymnast…). I dream that one day wellness will be more than a side project or hobby of mine. I dream that wellness will be my career. And I don’t necessarily mean that running my blog will be my career because I run this blog to share with you my thoughts on wellness and some research and news about wellness. Right now, at this point in my life, being a wellness consultant is something I would consider as a “dream job” and something that I am continually working towards achieving that dream.

What are some of your dreams?

4 thoughts on “Overall Wellness: Dream Big, Dream Bold. Dream Smart.

  1. I’ve been thinking about this post a lot since I first read it. I knew I had to get back to it and tell you that I think this is great. I can tell through your writing that you love wellness. It is a beautiful thing to have a dream. To know what it is and to not let anything keep you from getting it. Just wanted to tell you that I’m cheering for you and I wish you the best in your pursuit of your dreams. Cheers!

  2. Pingback: Dream BIG | Brittany's Bliss

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