Physical Wellness: Marathon Training Week 15 Recap

Sunday:  17 miles at 9:03 pace. Awesome, awesome, awesome. Except for I spent the rest of the week not running and nursing a foot injury. I lifted Monday, Wednesday, and Friday but spent the entire week with my foot wrapped up and icing it.

I’m definitely to the point that I am ready for this marathon to be done. I’m ready to walk without hurting. I’m ready to sleep past 5 am on Sundays. I’m ready to eat like a normal human and not consume all the foods on Sundays. I’m not sure if I will do other marathons after this one. There is one that I really want to do – an international marathon starting in Michigan and crossing into Canada. But after that one…I might be done.

I’ve been trying to think about what I want to do after this marathon. I may want to start trying to be more competitive in 5ks. There is a half-marathon that is a few weeks after my marathon and I might do that one just for fun. I don’t know. All I know of is that I’m ready to run this marathon.

Physical Wellness: Marathon Training Week 14 Recap

Sunday:  14.19 miles at a 9:25 pace. Was supposed to be 16 miles. This was a painful run. 2 miles into the run I started feeling the twinges of a migraine. At 8 miles, my head felt like it was exploding. Plus I tried to do a different route so at 14.19 miles I ended up at the bottom of a seriously steep hill. I decided that I would walk up the hill and then finish up my last bit after. By the time I got to the top of the hill, my watch had auto saved my run. I threw my hands up and just headed home. All in all, I probably got close to 16 but it was a really rough run.

Monday:  Labor Day, rest day.

Tuesday:  4 miles of speed work in the AM, 1 hour of tennis in the PM

Wednesday:  I attempted to do lower body work. I got squats in and then realized that when I came in during a flash flood which soaked my bag, that my work clothes might have also gotten soaked. And if they did, then I would need to go home and get dry clothes. They were a bit wet, but I dried them with a hand dryer in the locker room. Also, walking from the parking lot to the gym in a flash flood is no fun, FYI.

Thursday:  4 miles with run club

Friday:  Arms and abs

Saturday:  rest day. 2 rest days? Well, my gym was closed on Labor day and I have been enjoying having my rest day before my long run. I make no apologies.

Wow has my blog taken a hit…I have only been uploading these snippets. Life has just been downright crazy these past couple of weeks. With my training, I am just trying to remain as healthy as possible before my marathon. I’ll try to upload some actually wellness stuff this week.

Physical Wellness: Marathon Training Week 13 Recap

Sunday:  15 miles @ 9:35 pace – felt strong and solid throughout the run. My first long run of marathon training where I finally feel confident that I can do this marathon.

Monday:  Arms plus standing on my feet for about 7 hours at an event at work.

Tuesday:  Nothing. My whole body was just swollen after a 15 mile run and then standing on my feet for so long on Monday. My joints hurt so bad. And it wasn’t from the long run it was more just that combination of everything. I was just a mess of pain.

Wednesday:  Legs and Abs

Thursday:  3.5 miles at run club trying out Saucony Kinerva’s (rep was there – I loved these shoes)

Friday:  Arms and Abs

Saturday:  rest day

It’s pretty sad that I didn’t even hit 20 miles this week WITH a 15 mile run in the mix. This week was rough on me. Mentally, emotionally, physically. It was rough at work because students are now back and I worked a huge event Friday and then that event on Monday plus our office was interviewing people all week. All of this combined to just cause a lot of stress that played itself out in my motivation. All I wanted to do this past week was sleep. I barely spent anytime with Eric. I didn’t want to be outside and have to interact with people. I just wanted to hide out in my apartment and not have to talk to anyone. It’s dramatic, I recognize that. But in my (lame) defense, I am highly introverted so a week of having to interact with strangers on high levels has really spent me. I know I can’t afford these types of weeks with my marathon quickly approaching, but this week happened and there is nothing more I can do about it.