Occupational Wellness: The Job Hunt.

When I was in Kentucky about a month ago, I met with my old adviser and agreed to do a presentation to the grad students about how to find a job. I went through the job search process and basically did all the wrong things and didn’t really know how to find a job until I finally found a job and then started figuring it out. So I thought I might pass along some of the tips that I’m working into this presentation.

  • Number one, network. Seriously. I’m one of the few that landed a job without knowing someone who knew someone or having an “in” somewhere. Just get out there and start networking. Which is also terrifying for an introvert like me, but it’s worth it and it is a skill that you constantly need to be working on. Side note:  even after you have a job continuing networking and remember to give it back.
  • Make a master resume. Of everything you have ever done. And then when you are applying start off with a blank document and add sections from your master resume that match the qualifications. While we are talking about resumes, send everything as a PDF so changes aren’t accidentally or “accidentally” made to your resume. Also, be really cautious when just throwing your resume up online, especially with information like your address, email, and phone number.
  • Hand written thank you notes. Send out a little old fashioned thanks after you interview.
  • Don’t lose the interview in the lunch/dinner. Remember that you are being evaluated at every step of the process. Don’t let your guard down during the lunch/dinner portion regardless of who you are meeting with. Every person that you meet is evaluating you.
  • Save. Money. Especially if you plan on applying for jobs that are out of state/country. Not all companies will pay for your travel expenses. Plus start saving and having what I like to call an “oh shit” fund just in case something comes up or your job search takes longer than expected.
  • Always bring copies of your resume and other necessary work. Honestly, bring more than you expect you might need. If you are doing a presentation, bring some sort of a back-up just in case technology fails you or something. Be over prepared.
  • Research. Always, always, ALWAYS research the company and the people that are going to interviewing you.

If you are interested in more of these types of posts, let me know. I have some fairly humorous stories about my job search process right after grad school.

Feel free to leave your tips in the comments below!